Stuck in Seattle

Not that I’m complaining or anything….. Well actually I am. As much as I want to move here ASAP, I don’t want to spend my time here stuck in an airport, drinking fountain soda and eating gourmet fast food while blogging.

So usually it rains here in Seattle, right!??! Well, right now its raining in SF! So bad, in fact, that our flight has been indefinitely delayed. We have to wait for hourly updates about our departure status – by the time this airplane finally takes off, I would have already been home for a few hours.

At least the weekend was incredibly good! I mean… :D (thats a big smile) and I’ll update you in a few days. For now I’m just going to sip my fountain-dispensed lemonade, and add my voice to the choir of discontent that defines the atmosphere at SeaTac Airport Gate D4.