At least my little nugget thinks so!
What Could be Better than Flying?
Earlier today I was cruising over the Columbia River Gorge at 2500′ MSL. Clouds were sparse and the winds were blowing out of the west at about 10 knots. Both Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood were well lit by the morning sun and clearly visible. The water sparkled below us and the green fields of the Hood River Valley seemed to glow. What a perfect day for flying. Noticing this, my flight instructor started the following (mildly paraphrased) conversation:
Flight Instructor: Isn’t flying great? What can you think of that’s better?
Me: Flying is incredible, true. In fact, I can think of one thing and one thing only that’s better ;)
Flight Instructor: (laughing out loud) Yeah, you’re right about that!
Me: …and, you know, that says a lot about flying!
Piloting a light aircraft is one of the most amazing, incredible, and memorable things one can do. I highly recommend it!
You Might Live In A Small Town If…
Top Ten Signs You Live in a Small Town:
10. You attend a real-live ribbon cutting ceremony (complete with giant scissors for the mayor) your first week in town, and end up with your picture in the town paper.
9. Your newborn baby’s doctor walked across the street from his office to the hospital in order to check on her the day after she was born, and you are pretty sure your OB walked across the other street to get there from her office when she heard you were in labor.
8. The lady in line behind your husband at the grocery store hears him mention the name of his three-day old baby, and says, “I know Siena! I delivered flowers for her this morning!”
7. You have started to feel guilty each time you drive by the hospital because the labor and delivery nurses asked you to bring your baby back in a couple months so they can see if her eye and hair color have changed.
6. Your cashier coos at your daughter and says she’s just the cutest baby he’s seen all week. While you know he’s of course telling the absolute truth, you also know he’s probably seen about ten babies all week.
5. You’re next in line to buy groceries. Somebody gets in line behind you, and the checker immediately starts calling for any available personnel to open an additional station. You know, because the line was too long.
4. Every time you tell somebody which street you live on, they invariably ask if you’ve met so-and-so at the end of your street or say they just had dinner with what’s-his-name one street over. Every. Single. Time.
3. Even though the elections are over, you still refer to one particular house as The McCain House because theirs was the only lawn sign in town that didn’t support Obama.
2. You arrive at the DMV twenty minutes before they close and walk right up to the counter without even taking a number.
1. You get a new license plate at said DMV, a week after your husband picked up his, and you have the same three letters!
What I Learned Today…
… that the founder of the “mile high club” was also the inventor of the autopilot. LOL! I guess necessity really is the mother of invention.
Think before you register a domain name!
From my friend Adam …
All of these are legitimate companies that didn’t spend quite enough time considering how their online names might appear …. and be misread.
These are not made up. Check them out yourself!
1. Who Represents is where you can find the name of the agent that represents any celebrity. Their Web site is
2 . Experts Exchange is a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at
3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at
4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at
5. There’s the Italian Power Generator company
6. And don’t forget the Mole Station Native Nursery in New South Wales
7. If you’re looking for IP computer software, there’s always
8. And the designers at Speed of Art await you at their wacky Web site
Silicon Valley From 20,000 Feet
So I’m in Arizona right now but earlier today I boarded my 9th flight in the last 3 months. I flew out of Oakland airport which is much smaller and nicer then SFO. While we were gaining altitude we passed right over silicon valley so I took a few snapshots of the massive urban sprawl below me and now you get to see it too.
Yes, Arizona is even hot in the winter